Birth & Early Life
Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty was born (536 A-H.) at Chisht in Sistan, which was also known as; Sajistan, East Persia, the peace of Muslim world was horribly disturbed. Sistan and its surrounding lands were experiencing unprecedented bloodshed and plunder at the hands of barbarous Tartars and other rebels. These intruders had taken advantage of the weak government of Sultan Sanjar, an account of which has appeared in the preceding pages. The life and honour of the people were in constant danger. The wild Tartars had completely destroyed the flower of the Muslim nation. They outraged humanity practically in all the centres of the 600-year old Muslim civilisation and culture.
Migration and life in Neshapur:
Due to these intermittent political disturbances in Sistan, Hazrat Khwaja Ghiyasuddin Hasan(father of Khwaja sahab), one day decided to pack up and leave Sistan for a safer place. He migrated with his family to Neshapur, the Capital city, which was one of the most flourishing cities in those days. It was a great centre of intellectual and economic activities and possessed the famous “Nizamia” university with a precious library that contained a rare collection of Oriental literature. There lived learned Ulema and reputed Sufis who imparted knowledge in moral and spiritual enlightenment to scholars drawn from far and near. There lived physicians and artists of rare qualifications.There were rich gardens and canals with flourishing agricultural fields. One of the suburbs was called Rewand which was famous for its grape orchards.It is recorded that Hazrat Khwaja Ghyasuddin Hasan(R.A) bought an orchard with a windmill in this vicinity to settle down for a peaceful life.
No peace of mind: “Man proposes but God disposes”.
The peace in search of which Hazrat Khwaja Ghiyasuddin Hasan(R.A) had migrated to Neshapur was not to be had even in this great city. Here too the people were hanging in a terrible suspense between life and death. The brave Sultan Sanjar had been fighting the Tartars at the borders to check them for along time without Success. Due to his prolonged absence from the capital his administrative machinery was showing signs of disintegration. Internally, the Fidayees of the ‘Qarmti and ‘Baatini’ sects (one of whose members had already murdered the able Wazeer Nizamul Mulk) had also come out of their hide-outs and were roaming about the country unabated, spreading wild fire of rebellion all round. These armed hordes were busy in wholesale plunder and massacre of the innocent people.
These awe-inspiring events had a very deep impression on the mind of the Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty(R.A) who was watching the whole barbarous drama objectively at his impressionable young age.
The ‘Qarmti’ and ‘Baatani’ intriguers had carried centuries’ old grudge against the Hanafi Muslims who held both temporal and spiritual powers in succession for more than 500 years after the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Although it was an age-old grudge but, as Islamic history shows, they utterly failed in all their designs to destory their rivals. Islam has survived many vicissitudes of history and Quran has promised its survival up to the last Day-of-Judgment.
Demise of parents:
Gharib Nawaz again saw all this ghastly drama at his early age. But this was not all for him. Just at this time he lost his dear father (551 A-H.) and the worst part of it was that he had already lost his dear mother too. Khwaja Sahab,was now left all alone to look after himself in a world full of hate, murder and greed. Although, by virtue of legacy, he had enough material resources to sustain himself in his traditional standard of life, but the sack of Neshapur coupled with the death of his dear parents plunged him into deep thinking. At times he was overwhelmed with grief and saw a very vague picture of this terrible world though he bore it out with courage and exemplary forbearance. He was a hardworking youth and looked after his orchard personally, trimming and watering the plants with his own hands.
Yet another sack:
Hardly a year had passed after the sad death of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin’s father, when the mischievous Tartars once more ransacked Khorasan and repeated the same bloody drama of murder, arson and loot. This time Sultan Mahmood, one of the brothers of Sultan Sanjar, came forward to check the invaders but he too failed to rout them. Neshapur was again the scene of the same ghastly tragedies which our pen shivers to describe. And once more Khwaja sahab was overwhelmingly dismayed to see these scenes of terrible devastation. He often plunged himself into deeper thoughts about these ugly events in order to try to come to some definite conclusion about his own future course of life. The thought of helping the helpless humanity against all such persistent pillage always tormented his tender heart. Yet he could not come to any definite conclusion.
Destined for a Sacred Mission:
As helpless human beings, we can never understand the will of the Almighty God. Should we surmise that by exhibiting these tragedies perhaps God Almighty meant to show Khwaja sahab the sins of this wretched world in order to prepare him for a mighty divine mission of reform and peace for the mankind? As it will be seen later on, the Almighty did mean this for which He enlightened the mind of the young Khwaja sahab quite unexpectedly. How he was equipped providentially for this great and sacred mission, and what a wonderful role he was destined to play in India, will be seen in the following pages. Whenever injustice, oppression and greed reigned supreme in this world. God has always been merciful to mankind by sending His saviours to fight the Satanic forces and put the people on the path of righteousness and mutual love.
Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty (R.A) used to ponder, for hours together, over the ugly scenes of the ghastly massacre in Khorasan which he had been witnessing with great pain for several years ever since his younger days. With these tragic impressions, his interest in worldly life and pleasures was diminishing fast. Inwardly he was very much worried and longed to be away from such a mad world if he could manage to see a way out.
Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty (R.A) was one of the descendants of the illustrious family of Hazrat Ali, the son-in-law and cousin of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W). His father Syed Ghayasuddin Hasan(R.A) was a very pious personality. His mother, Syeda Bibi Ummalwara alias Bibi Mahe-Noor, was the daughter of Syed Daud. While Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin’s paternal genealogy is traced from Hazrat Imam Husain, the younger son of Hazat Ali Karam-Allah Wajahu, his maternal genealogy is traced from Hazrat Imam Hasan, the elder son of Hazrat Ali.
Below are given both of these, genealogies :
Paternal geneology: Khwaja Moinuddm Hasan Chishti son of Khwaja Syed Ghyasuddin Hasan son of Syed Ahmed Hasan Sanjari son of Syed Husain Ahmed son of Hazrat Najmuddin Tahir son of Syed Khwaja Abdul Aziz Husain son of Syed Imam Mohammed Mehdi son of Syed Imam Hasan Askari son of Imam All Naqi son of Syed Imam Mohammed Taqi son of Imam Ah Musi Raza son of Imam Musi Kazim Raza son of Imam Mohammed Jafar Sadiq son of Imam Mohammed Baqar son of Hazrat Syed Imam Zain-ul Abideen son of Syed-us-Shohada Syed Imam Husain son of Hazrat Ali Karam-Allah-Wajahu son-in-law of the Holy Prophet Mohammed.
Maternal genealogy: Syeda Bibi Mah-e-Noor daughter of Syed Daud son of Hazrat Abdulla son of Syed Zahid son of Syed Moons son of Syed Daud-I son of Syedna Moosa son of Syedna Abdulla Mahaz son of Syedna Hasan Musa son of Syedna Hazrat Imam Hasan son of Syedna Hazrat Ali Karam-Allah Wajahu son in law of the holy prophet.
The two are related to each other by blood. Khwaja Gharib Nawaz and Hazrat Ghous Pak are maternal cousins. One more relation is that Hazrat Shaikh Mohiuddin Abdul Qadar Jilani (Ghousul Azam) is a maternal uncle of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.). Hazrat Shaikh Mohiuddin Abdul Qadar Jilani is the grandson of Hazrat Abdulla al Hambli. On the other side, the mother of Hazrat Khwaja Sahib, Hazrat Bibi Mahey Noor, is the grand daughter of Hazrat Abdulla-al-Hambli.Thus, the mother of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hassan Chishty(R.A) is a cousin of Hazrat Ghous Pak (R.A.).
Spiritual Guidance
When Khwaja Saheb had acquired the best knowledge and wisdom of the time, he traveled widely in search of a pir (Spiritual guide) who could provide him the best spiritual guidance. He came to know of Hazrat Khwaja Usman Haruni (R.A.) who was the greatest scholar and unrivalled spiritual guide of that period. In the very first meeting Khwaja Saheb completely submitted himself to his Murshid and remained in the company of this great divine spiritual leader for twenty years and served him devotedly, passing through the various stages of the spiritual life. Thus the great Murshid trained and elevated Khwaja Saheb to the highest spiritual attainments.
Hajj & Prophet’s Command:
As the great Khwaja became accomplished and perfect in every respect, the divine tutor honoured him with his robe and took him to HAJ. Both, then proceeded to Makkah and performed the HAJ, and then went to MADINA and stayed there for some time, to get the blessings of the prophet of Islam (S.A.W.).
One night in a trance, he was ordered by the Holy prophet (S.A.W.)
“O Moinuddin you are a prop of our faith. Proceed to India and show the path of truth to the people there”. In compliance with the above spiritual command, Khwaja Saheb left Madina for India. He continued his journey, passing through Isphahan, Bukhara, Heart, Lahore and Delhi meeting several prominent Sufis of the period. He arrived at the barren and desolated land of Rajputana which is now known as Rajasthan. On his way to INDIA, he enrolled large number of people in his fold and blessed thousands of others with spiritual power.
Khwaja Saheb at Ajmer:
Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisty arrived in AJMER around 587 A.H./1190 A.D., on his divine mission, unique in the annals of Islam. His only Armour for the success of his great mission was the greatest “invisible power” the pervades and sustains the whole universe. At that time Ajmer was ruled by Prithvi Raj Chauhan the famous Rajput king. In his court, he had a large number of powerful magicians with Ajai Pal as their leader. Khwaja Saheb stayed at a hill close to Ana Sagar lake. Now known as the Chilla Khwaja Saheb. When news spread, that a very pious Dervish had come to Ajmer people began to flock to him in increasing number. Whosoever came to him, received the kindest treatment and blessing and simplicity that they began to embrace Islam. Many became his disciples. Even Ajai Pal submitted himself to the divine powers of Khwaja Saheb , gave up all his magic and became his disciple.
While this was going on at Ajmer Shahabuddin Ghori again attacked India, in 1192 A.D. and in the famous battle of Tarain defeated Prithvi Raj. When Shahabuddin Ghori came to know of the presence of Khwaja Saheb at Ajmer, he personally came to see him at his place, and enjoyed the grace of his meeting.
Khwaja Saheb continued his noble and magnificent mission, showing the path of truth to the people. He also sent his disciples and successors to different parts of country who too served the people and preached the tenants of Islam. Some of his prominent successors are :
- Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (R.A.) (Delhi ob. 1236).
- Hazrat Shaikh Fariduddin Ganjshker (R.A.) (Pak Pattan ob. 1265).
- Hazrat Shaikh Nizamuddin Julia (Delhi ob. 1325).
- Hazrat Shaikh Nasiruddin Choragi Delhi (Delhi ob. 1356).
Marraiges and Children
The childhood of Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty (R.A) was full of miseries and hardships. He spent his youth in search of knowledge and truth. At the age of about 50 years, when he has almost settled in Ajmer and the preaching services were on the top, he dreamt Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) who said,” O Moinuddin! You have been very active in obeying Allah’s orders but why didn’t you follow my sunnah.”. Thus, Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) made two marriages, one after another.
1. Hazrat Khwaja Fakhrudin (R.A):
He was the eldest son of Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty (R.A) he was a great saint and a scholar as well, he died in Sarwar town some 40 miles away from Ajmer, his URS is celebrated on the 6th of shaban every year with great Favour.
2. Hazrat Khwaja Hissamuddin (R.A):
He was the 2nd son and was also a great saint as well, he possed the quality of salvation, he made tough excessive for self-purification at the age of 45, he disappeared from the human eyes and joined religious fraternity.
3. Hazart Khwaja Ziauddin Abu Sayeed (R.A):
He was the youngest son of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) his mazar-e-mubarak is in the premise of the shrine.
4. Hazrat Bibi Hafiza Jamal (R.A):
She was the only daughter of Huzoor Gharib Nawaz (R.A) she was of great religious personality. she guided thousand of women to the righteous path her mazar-e-mubarak is located just near the mazar of Huzoor Gharib Nawaz (R.A.).
It will not be out of place to mention that the lineal descendants of Khwaja Sahib extinguished after three generations. The Khadims of Khwaja SB. performed all the functions attached to the shrine as is evident from various Farmans of Akbar and other Moghal kings, supported by such authentic historical works as Akbar Nama, by Abul Fazl.
Khwaja Saheb Breathed His Last
After achieving the objectives of his mission and complying with the command given to him by the Holy prophet, his noble soul left the corporeal body on the 6th of Raja 633 A.H. / 16th March 1236 at the age of 97. He was buried in the same cell (Hurrah) which was the center of his divine activities, throughout his stay at Ajmer. Today his tomb is popularly known as “Digrah Khwaja Saheb, Ajmer”. People of all walks of life and faith from all over the world, irrespective of their caste, creed and beliefs visit this great shrine to offer flowers of there esteem and devotion. The rich and the poor stand side by side to pay their homage and respect to the divine soul. History