ALLAH SWT blessed mankind with many Prophets from time to time, for their guidance. One of them was Prophet Zakariyah alaihissalam who was a Prophet from the Bani Israel. He was one of the descendants of Sulaiman alaihissalam. It is said that He led a simple life and earned his livelihood working as a carpenter.
Zakariya alaihissalam was a humble and righteous person. He worshipped ALLAH alone and remained thankful to ALLAH SWT always. Zakariya alaihisssalam is mentioned many times in the Various Surahs of the Holy Quran such as sura Al-imran, sura An’am and, Sura Anbia.
ALLAH SWT mentions in the Quran: And Zakariya and Yahya and Isa and Ilyas; every one was of the good(Quran 6:85)
The childhood or adulthood of Zakariya alaihissalam are not mentioned in the Holy Quran however, His story is mentioned from his elderly age in the Quran.
Prophet Zakariya alaihissalam followed the law of Musa alaihissalam and tried his best to keep the law alive among the Israelites. And, He was the head/in charge of the temple(Bait-al-Muqdas).
After Prophet Sulaiman alaihissalam passed away, Bani Israel again came back to their same pattern of behavior. They started disobeying ALLAH SWT and lacked true faith. They became arrogant and forgot all the signs and commands of ALLAH SWT.
Prophet Zakariya alaihissalam and his wife reached old age and had no children as his wife was barren.
Prophet Zakariya alaihissalam as Maryam’s guardian
There was a noble and pious man named Imran who used to lead the prayers. The wives of Zakariya alaihissalam and Imran were sisters. And both of them did not have any children.
It is reported that one day, the wife of Imran saw a bird giving food to her babies and sheltering her babies under her wings. This made her feel the strong desire to have a child. And She prayed to ALLAH SWT, Ya ALLAH grant me a child and I will dedicate the child for your service only.
ALLAH SWT says in Quran: (Mention, O Muhammad), when the wife of ‘Imran said, “My Lord, indeed I have pledged to You what is in my womb, consecrated [for Your service], so accept this from me. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing.”
She gave birth to a girl who was named Maryam.
ALLAH SWT says in the Quran:
So, when she delivered her, she said: “O my Lord, I have delivered a female child.”-And Allah knew better what she had delivered, and the male was not like the female -” I have named her Maryam, and I place her and her progeny under Your shelter against Satan, the rejected.”(Quran 3:36)
As promised, Imran’s wife gave Maryam to the Bait-al-Maqdas in the service of ALLAH SWT to worship the Almighty ALLAH only.
Her father Imran died before her birth and people started discussing and debating to appoint a new guardian for Her. Zakariya alaihissalam being a Prophet and a righteous man was the only obvious choice to take this opportunity of the guardianship of Maryam however he remained silent while everyone else kept arguing with each other as they wanted to take up the prestige of taking care of Imran’s daughter.
Finally, when nobody came to any conclusion, they decided to cast lots to decide the matter. They wrote their names on their pens and got one child to pick one pen. The boy picked one pen and it had Zakariya alaihissalam’s name on it.
Bani Israel dissatisfied with the result, decided for one more cast. This time they all threw their pen in the river and the pen that would go against the flow of water would get the guardianship. The pen of Zakariya alaihissalam won again.
Stubborn as usual, Bani Israel refused to accept Zakariya alaihissalam as a guardian this time also, so they came up with a third round. This time they all threw their pens in the river and the pen that would swim with the flow will win and this time also it was Zakariya alaihissalam who won.
Now, Bani Israel had to accept it without any choice and the guardianship of Maryam was entitled to Zakariya alaihissalam.
ALLAH SWT mentions in the Quran: (O Muhammad!) We reveal to you this account from a realm which lies beyond the reach of your perception for you were not with them when they drew lots with their pens about who should be Mary’s guardian, and you were not with them when they disputed about it. (Quran 3:44)
Miracles with Maryam
Maryam was growing up as a righteous woman in seclusion under the guardianship of Prophet Zakariya alaihissalam. She was completely engrossed in worshipping ALLAH SWT in her prayer chamber that was specially built for Her. She possessed the best manners since Her childhood itself.
Zakariya alaihissalam used to visit her in her prayer chamber and check Her. Every time He visited Her, He found fresh and unseasonal fruits and food items in her room which he never bought for Her. Zakariya alaihissalam wondered and asked her how all this got here ad Maryam used to reply that ALLAH SWT provided her with these provisions.
ALLAH SWT mentions in the Quran: So her Lord accepted her with good acceptance and caused her to grow in a good manner and put her in the care of Zakariya. Every time Zakariya entered upon her in the prayer chamber, he found with her provision. He said, “O Mary, from where is this [coming] to you?” She said, “It is from Allah. Indeed, Allah provides for whom He wills without account.”(Quran 3:37)
Zakariya alaihissalam witnessed these miracles with Maryam many times and his faith in the power of ALLAH SWT increased that nothing is impossible for ALLAH SWT.
Prophet Zakariya alaihissalam’s prayer for a child
Maryam was growing up as a righteous woman in seclusion under the guardianship of Prophet Zakariya alaihissalam. She was completely engrossed in worshipping ALLAH SWT in her prayer chamber that was specially built for Her. She possessed the best manners since Her childhood itself.
Zakariya alaihissalam used to visit her in her prayer chamber and check Her. Every time He visited Her, He found fresh and unseasonal fruits and food items in her room which he never bought for Her. Zakariya alaihissalam wondered and asked her how all this got here ad Maryam used to reply that ALLAH SWT provided her with these provisions.
ALLAH SWT mentions in the Quran: So her Lord accepted her with good acceptance and caused her to grow in a good manner and put her in the care of Zakariya. Every time Zakariya entered upon her in the prayer chamber, he found with her provision. He said, “O Mary, from where is this [coming] to you?” She said, “It is from Allah. Indeed, Allah provides for whom He wills without account.”(Quran 3:37)
Zakariya alaihissalam witnessed these miracles with Maryam many times and his faith in the power of ALLAH SWT increased that nothing is impossible for ALLAH SWT.
Prophet Zakariya alaihissalam’s prayer for a child
Prophet Zakariya alaihissalam always desired a child who would continue the legacy of Prophethood after him and spread the words of ALLAH SWT. However, he was aware that he had reached the age where this can not be possible and his wife was unable to bear a child as well. Witnessing the miracles with Maryam, Zakariya alaihissalam realized that everything is in the hands of ALLAH SWT and he can do the impossible.
With this firm faith, Zakariya alaihissalam prayed to ALLAH SWT to grant him a pious child.
Zakariya alaihissalam supplicated to ALLAH SWT
“My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication.” (Quran 3:38)
“O My Lord! Leave me not single (childless), though You are the Best of the inheritors.” (Quran 21:89)
While He was praying in seclusion, asking ALLAH the almighty for a son, the angels approached him and gave Him the news of His son Yahya.
So, the Angels called out to him (as) he was upright praying in the Chamber, ” Allah gives you the good tidings of Yahya, (John) sincerely with a Word from Allah, and a master, and chaste, and a Prophet, one of the righteous.”(Quran 3:39)
ALLAH SWT answered the sincere prayers of Zakariyaa alaihissalam and cured the barrenness of His wife and informed Him that his child is named by ALLAH SWT as Yahya, and no one in the history of mankind had this name before. ALLAH SWT said that Yahya will be a Prophet.
Zakariya alaihissalam was startled hearing this news. He replied in amusement though he believed in the power of ALLAH SWT however he was completely astonished. “My Lord, how will I have a boy when I have reached old age and my wife is barren?” The angel said, “Such is Allah; He does what He wills.” (Qur’an 3:40).
Zakariya alaihissalam still astonished asked for a sign so could believe this news. And He got worried if this news is a revelation from ALLAH SWT or it’s Satan trying to befool Him.
He said: My Lord, make for me a sign.
ALLAH SWT said: Your sign is that you will not be able to speak to the people for three days except by gesture. And remember your Lord much and exalt [Him with praise] in the evening and the morning. (Quran 3:41)
Zakariya alaihissalam used to come out of His prayer chamber every morning and evening to call people for prayer and remembrance of ALLAH SWT.
So, Zakariya came out to his people from his chamber(mihrab): He told them by signs to celebrate Allah’s praises in the morning and the evening. (Quran 19:11)
But when he came out of his chamber after he received the news and sign from ALLAH SWT, He could not speak at all. So he conveyed his message by signs and gestures. His wife conceived and gave birth to Yahya alaihissalam who was a beloved Prophet of ALLAH SWT and ALLAH gave Him the book Taurat.
It is said that some of the disbelievers of Bani Israel planned to kill Zakariya alaihissalam. Zakariya alaihissalam hide in the trunk of a tree. Bani Israel got to know and divided the tree martyring the beloved Prophet of ALLAH SWT. He was then buried in Bait-al-Maqdas.