Wala Jalada balada walada – Khutba in Arabic
Wala Jalada balada walada – Khutba in Roman English
Wal waznu wal adlu wal fazlu wan naznu wal azmu bil jazam.
Bi Wahdatihi bi kibriyaaihi bi sultanin wa bi i’laanin wa bi itqaanin wa bi imaanin wa bayaninn fi furqaan.
Wahdahu la sharika lahu Wahdahu bi wahdatin muwahhidam bi wahdatin muwahhadam bi wahdah.
Waheedan wa ahadan Bila mudadin wa judadin wa nusabin wa wasinn fil kamaal.
La sharika lahu wa la naziralahu wala misla lahu wa la misaala lah.
Wa la wazeeralahu wa la muqaarina lahu wa la mukaazima lahu wa la mudaaniya lahu wa muzaari’a lah.
Wa la Jalada balada walada jasada ruswa juswa nuzwa uzma lah.
Wa la jazba wasfa ayba kaaba bayta khasma lah.
Wa la muqaarina lahu wa la mukaazima lahu wa la mudaaniya lahu wa muzaari’a lahu wa la munaazira lah.
Summa nashadu an la ilaaha illallahu wahdahu la sharikalah.
May yushriku fi zaatihi wa sifaatihi wa aadaatihi wa aayaatih.
Auw yata barraku bi ghairihi min nabiyiin wa waliyyin wa taqiyyin wa naqiyiin wa naseemin wa haseenin wa jameelin wasagheerin wa kabeerin fa alaihil khusraanu wal wabaal.
Summa nashhadu anna sayyidana wasanadana wa nabiyyana wa moulana.
Muayyadana maqduumana manzuumana masuumana maqsuumana maqsuudana.
Ajdaral khalqi jadeerana.
A’azamal khalqi wa ashrafal khalqi wa ahsanal khalqi wa ajmalal khalqi wa akmalal khalqi wa anwaral khalq.
Minal husni was sidaarati wal wilaayati wal hikaayati wal inaayati wal hidaayati wal imaanati wal imaaman.
A’alaana wa jalaana wa atqaana wa azhadana wa arfaqana wa anwarana wa akhtarana wa akbarana.
Ahmara anwara ajdara atfala awsaqa anwara ajmala akmala lah.
Summa nashhadu anna habeebina rabbina wa samadina mahbooba jadalina wa nazalina wa wasaleina imaanina mubayyini furqaatina haadi sabilina raunaqi judraninaa.
Huwa udawatun nuzmatun qudratun rutbatun uswatun hasanah.
Wa bi dalaailihil qaahiratil ghaalibatiz zaahiratil baatinah.
Saida ila sidratil muntaha fi laylatil miraaji kashafad duja.
Summa dan summa dana summa dana fata dalla.
Fakaana qaaba qawsayni aw adnaa.
Wala Jalada balada walada – English Translation
Weighing, justice, virtue, order, and greatness
With his unity, with his pride, with authority, with declaration, with perfection, with faith, and with clarification in a distinction
Alone with no partner Alone by unit united by unit united by unit
Alone and One without extension, renewal, accusation, and description in perfection
He has no partner, no equal, no likeness to him, no likeness to him.
He has no vizier, nor comparator, nor repressor, nor contributor to him, nor present to him.
And for the sake of a country that gave birth to a body, the anchorage of Jozew was determined for him.
It is not appropriate to describe the fault of the head of the house of his…
It has no comparison, no antagonist, no contributor, no present, no analogous to it.
Then we bear witness that there is no god but Allah, the one who has no partner.
Whoever associates himself with his attributes, habits, and signs
Or he seeks blessings from someone else, such as a prophet, guardian, pious, pure, radiant, Hussain, beautiful, young, and old, then he is in loss and grief.
Then we testify that we are our master, our support, our prophet, and our protector.
Our Supporter our Service Our Infallible Our Infallible Our Intention
Worthy of creation worthy of us
The Greatest of creation, the most honorable of creation, the best of character, the most beautiful of character, the most perfect of character, and the most luminous of character.
From goodness, steadfastness, guardianship, narration, care, guidance, trust, and leadership
Exalted us, exalted us, purified us, kept us, steadfast, enlightened us, chose us and exalted us.
The redder, the most beautiful, the most reliable, the most beautiful, the most complete for him.
Then we testify that the Beloved of our Lord, the beloved of our withstood
a good example
And with its prevalent, prevalent, apparent, and inward evidences.
He ascended to the Sidrat al-Muntaha on the night of the Ascension. He revealed the darkness.
Then he came, Then he came, Then he came, and you dangled
It was just around the corner
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