Sultan Abdul-Hamid II of the Ottoman Dynasty

Over a century, 103 years to be accurate, has passed since the demise of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, however, the legacy of the world’s shattering reformist Sultan who administered and kept the weakening Ottoman Empire solid for a very long time, can, in any case, be felt in present-day establishments of the republic. Early Life … Read more

Osman Ghazi, Founder of the Ottoman Dynasty

Osman Ghazi

Osman Ghazi, the founder of the Ottoman Empire, was born in the town of Sogut in 1258. Ertugrul Ghazi was his father, and Hayme Sultan was his mother. Osman Gazi was a tall, round-faced man with dark skin, hazel eyes, and thick brows. His shoulders were wide, and his upper body was wider than the … Read more

Ertuğrul Ghazi


About Ertuğrul Ghazi Ertuğrul Ghazi is one of the most prominent and famous figures from the thirteenth century. Belonging to the Kayi tribe, he was a tough and devoted warrior who spent most of his life, fighting in the way of Allah, and conquered major lands. In many historical accounts, it is mentioned that he … Read more

Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire Map 1683

The Ottoman Empire, which was founded in 1299 and declined in 1923, is known to be one of the most powerful and robust Empires that the world has ever witnessed. Not only this, but it is also one of the longest-reigning dynasties that the world has ever had. It was an Islamic superpower, and the … Read more