Surah Al Kausar Benefits And Virtues That Every Muslim Should Know


Surah Al Kausar is the shortest surah of the Quran. Allah revealed this surah to announce the good news to the prophet (PBUH). This surah is known to bring happiness and prosperity amongst Muslims. Allah also defined the relationship of a Muslim with his creator. He told us that He knows everything and surely will … Read more

108. Surah Al-Kawthar (Al-Kawsar / Kausar)

Surah Kausar or Kawthar is the 108th surah of the Holy Quran, You can recite or listen to Surah Kausar here in Mishary Rashid Alafasy voice. Surah Al-Kausar Recite Surah Al-Kausar when sighting the new moon of Islamic third month Rabi ul Awwal then see the water to purge your sins. InshaAllah इस्लामी तीसरा महीना … Read more