
“O Allah! May Thy grace and peace rest upon Hazrat Muhammad, our Master and our patron, the Wearer of Holy Cap, the one who ascended the Heavens, the rider of the Heavenly Steed and holder of the Flag of Divine Unity, the remover of calamity, epidemic, famine, disease, and pain. His name is written in … Read more


“O Allah! Send blessings upon Muhammad and upon his family the mercy which will be for You a pleasure of fulfilment of Your Right and grant him Wasila and the highest position which You promised him and reward him from us what his is according to his status and reward him from us the highest … Read more


“O Allah! Shower peace upon our Chief Muhammad and endow him with the means and high status in Heaven” Benefits of Durood-e-Haq This is the highest Durood Shareef and if recited after every prayer and in every prayer, it brings a great deal of reward.


“O Allah! Send your Mercy and Blessings upon our master Muhammad who is the beloved and most exalted, and upon his Companions and family.” Benefits of Durood-e-Mustafa The religious people and the Awliya Allah said that whoever recites this Durood Shareef regularly every Thursday night, at least once, then at the time of his or … Read more

Durood Salaatul Sa’aadat

“O Allah! Send Your Mercy and Blessings upon our master Muhammad the number which is in the Knowledge of Allah and mercy forever” Benefits of Durood Salaatul Sa’aadat Hazrat Sayed Ali bin Yusuf Madani , Sheik-ul-Dala’il, narrated from Imam Suyuti that he who recites this Durood Shareef once gets the Sawaab of 600,000 Durood Shareefs. … Read more


Recite Durood-e-Radawiyya 100 times after every Salaah if possible. Especially after Jummah Salaah, the men should stand together facing Medina Shareef and recite this Durood Shareef with absolute respect. Benefits of Durood-e-Radawiyya The following benefits are derived from reciting Durood-e- Radawiyya: 1. The reciter is blessed with 300 Mercies of Almighty Allah. 2. Allah Almighty … Read more


“O Allah! Shower Thy blessings on our Master Muhammad, in such a measure that earns Thy pleasure, and shower Thy blessings on our Master Muhammad exceeding that measure which has earned Thy pleasure, and shower Thy blessings on our Master Muhammad forever and forever” Benefits of Durood-e-Muqaddas This is the best Salawat, and if recited … Read more

Durood-e-Isme Azam

“Allah is the Lord of Muhammad, mercy and blessings upon him. We are the slaves of Muhammad, may mercy and blessings be upon him and Salaams” Benefits of Durood-e-Isme Azam Whoever make it a habit to recite Durood-e-Isme Azam for at least one hundred times daily so that he/she will be able to see the … Read more

Durood Virtues of 1000 Days

“O Allah! Send Your Mercy and Blessings upon our master Muhammad and upon the family of our master as You love and like for him” Benefits of Durood Virtues of 1000 Days The person who recites this Durood Shareef once, can be fortunate to be rewarded with virtuous deeds for 1,000 days. Several Angels of … Read more


“O Allah! Send blessings upon our leader Muhammad as long as there is the interchange of night and day, as long as the morning and the evening follow one behind the other, as long as the night and day repeat themselves jointly, and as long as the two bright stars (of Ursa Minor) remain fixed … Read more